Our Vision,
Mission &
What Drives Us

Our Vision

Localising Procurement and Growing SMMEs.

Our Mission

We provide business growth and profitability solutions to small, micro and medium sized enterprises (SMMEs), within B2B of targeted sectors operating in Southern Africa. We are entrenching principles of financial management as a day-to-day business
management tool.

What Drives Us

Help SMMEs to build income traction to enable access of cost-effective and alternative funding.
To plug the cashflow gap when traditional R lenders are not able to respond timeously or debtors have not yet paid.
Increasing B2B SMMEs:
•Procurement Market Share.
• Import Replacement.
Growing Rural Economies.

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© Copyright. OBP Investments (Pty) Ltd. Registration Number: 2017/315416/07. Authorized financial services and registered credit provider NCRCP13392
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